We hope that Statkraft has "gone home" but there is no clear information from the company or the Spanish state. That is why I think this is still , after years, important to sign! As the company pretends to be environmental friendly while destroying biodiversity and culture you should read this to understand the bigger piture ; https://aliente.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Manifiesto-ALIENTE-en-Almeria-en-Ingles.pdf
The reality in media; https://www.oecdwatch.org/complaint/jijnjevaerie-saami-village-vs-statkraft/
Then you can see how the company writes;
Till: Statkraft , politicians and the public opinion
Statkraft- What are YOU doing ?

Stop the Mega Solar Parks! In this case, the ones in the Maragatería and Cepeda region, northwestern Spain. This is not a democratic or sustainable project. Two years of not knowing if this crazy destruction of land will start. Destroying villages and nature. Don't use the Climate Change as an excuse to kill a land area the size of thousands of footballfields. Don't interfer with the courses of our rivers, don't destroy our farmland and pastures! Don't use a poor region in a poor country for your own profit. Using concrete, glass and wasting water in an extremely dry area can not EVER be labeled "sustainable". Your project means death for this region. Leave us in peace.
Varför är det viktigt?
We need small scale solarenergy initiatives not MEGA solar parks. Energy producing companies must pay to use industrial areas for their production, not plundering the nature of its trees, pastures and farmland. When will we ever learn? The situation is crazy! Statkraft wants Fame as a "sustainable company" while destroying nature . The energy production has to be seen for what It is=industry. In northwestern Spain no one is looking! Or are the politicians paid not to look? Sign against corruption and help us protect our land and future!
Hur den kommer att överlämnas
I am in contact with Statkraft. It would be nice to have thousands of names on the list from all over the world to show them that we know what they are doing. Since Statkraft is owned by the norwegian state I will also send this to the norwegian embassy in Spain and the State of Norway.