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Till: Martin Nilsson Jacobi, President and CEO, Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers: Boycott Elbit Systems

Update jan/2024

After strong objections from students, student organisations, politicians and the general public, Chalmers lifted the ban on political manifestations on their premises on november 17, 2023 – two days after it was introduced.

Update 15/nov/2023

Hi all,

Thank you for your 1,688 signatures in 48 hours. The petition was given to the Martin Nilsson Jacobi principal at Chalmers, and due to a joint effort with other organizations (such as Svenska Freds call to email DatE-IT and Chalmers press directly) and student groups within Chalmers, Elbit Systems Ltd were removed from the student fair.

As of this week, Chalmers has now banned protesting on their premises, but we need to continue consistently showing up and standing up for what is right.

Thanks for making it happen and there's more to be done, it's a collective act contributed by us individuals and through joining collective action groups, below are some of the groups to keep updated and find opportunities to continually use our voices and support Palestinian people in Gothenburg and in their homeland:

Chalmers Social Justice student group
Palestinagrupperna i Sverige (The Swedish Palestine groups)
Svenska Freds (Swedish Peace)
Allt åt alla (Everything for everyone) Gothenburg
Samidoun Gothenburg



We are contacting you regarding the exhibitor list for the DatE-IT careers fair taking place at Chalmers on 14th Nov. As I'm sure you're aware, Elbit Systems Ltd. are responsible and complicit in violence to Palestinian people and their homeland in providing defense systems, surveillance and weaponry.

We call to your sense of humanity to remove Elbit Systems from your exhibitor list with the honest explanation to your students about why you are doing so. We hope the fair takes the opportunity to communicate with Chalmers students the genocidal acts the organisations present at the fair are involved in.

Thank you for your time and we hope you show care for human life in your actions today.

Varför är det viktigt?

We call for university staff, teachers, students, and public institutions to show their direct support in boycotting Elbit Systems and we express our deep disgust in Sweden’s supporting the Israeli war machine. Our academic institutions must not be complicit and take responsibility now.
Chalmersplatsen 4, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


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Namninsamlingen är en framgång med 1,688 underskrifter

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